sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2013

Your Book ( Dictated by spirit Emmanuel to Brazilian medium Chico Xavier)

"The existence on Earth is a book you're writing ...
Each day is a page ...
Every hour is a statement of your personality, through people and situations that seek you.
No less prezes the opportunity to create epic of love around your name.

Good works are phrases that endereças light to all humanity.
In response to each other, in every gesture toward similar in every gesture towards similar, in every manifestation of your points of view and every demonstration of your soul, grafas ink perennial story of your passage.
The printouts you produce, stands the book of thy testimonies.

Death is the great collector to collect the scattered leaves of your biography, recorded by yourself, in the lives around you.
Don't despise the company of indulgence, through the path that the Lord has given you to tread.

Do an area of ​​love around your heart , because only love is strong enough and wise to steer you the scripture individual, becoming compendium of help and hope for those that follow your steps. LIVE  with Jesus, in the intimacy of your heart, don't be far from Him in your daily actions and the book of your life will become a poem of happiness and a treasure of blessings."

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