sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2013

Health Rules (By Spirit André Luiz dictated to Brazilian medium Chico Xavier)

1. Keep your heart in peace ahead of all situations and all things. All assets of life belong to God.

2. Support yourself on duty strictly enforced. There's no physical balance without spiritual harmony.

3. Cultivate the habit of prayer. Prayer is the light in the defense of the body and soul.

4. Occupy your time with useful work available, not forgetting the rest essential to fair remake. The suggestion of darkness comes to us by the inertia.

5. Always study. The renewal of ideas favors the evolution of the spirit.

6. Avoid anger. Rage is animalize, falling in the shadows of low level.

7. Escape to slander. The sludge reaches whom revolves it.

8. Whenever possible, breathe long breaths and not olvide daily bathing, albeit slight. The air is precious food and bath invigorates energies.

9. Eat little. The sensible creature eats to live, while the creature reckless lives to eat.

10. Use patience and forgiveness tirelessly. We all have been charitably tolerated by Divine Goodness, millions of times, and keeping the heart in vinegar intolerance is causing the fall itself a useless death.

Prayer of Caritas (Dictated by Spirit Caritas in 1873)

Prayer of Caritas

"God our Father, who are all Power and Goodness, give strength to that which passes through the ordeal, give light to the one who seeks the truth; weighted in man's heart compassion and charity!

God, Give the traveler the guide star, consolation to the afflicted, to the patient's home.

Father, Give to the guilty repentance, the spirit of truth, guide the child and the father to the fatherless!

Lord, let Your goodness extends over all that you have created. Mercy, Lord, for those who do not know you, hope to those who suffer. What Your Goodness enable consoling spirits gushed everywhere, peace, hope, faith.

God! Lightning a spark of Your Love can scorch the earth, let us drink the fruitful sources of this goodness and infinite, and dry up all the tears, all the pain will calm down.

And one heart, one mind will rise to You, as a cry of recognition and of love.

Like Moses on the mountain, we hope Vos with open arms, oh Power!, Oh goodness!, Oh Beauty!, Oh Perfection!, And we deserve some sort of Your Divine Mercy.

God, give us the strength to help progress, in order to ascend to You, give us pure charity, give us faith and reason, give us the simplicity that will make our souls the mirror where it will reflect to you Holy and Divine Image.


Your Book ( Dictated by spirit Emmanuel to Brazilian medium Chico Xavier)

"The existence on Earth is a book you're writing ...
Each day is a page ...
Every hour is a statement of your personality, through people and situations that seek you.
No less prezes the opportunity to create epic of love around your name.

Good works are phrases that endereças light to all humanity.
In response to each other, in every gesture toward similar in every gesture towards similar, in every manifestation of your points of view and every demonstration of your soul, grafas ink perennial story of your passage.
The printouts you produce, stands the book of thy testimonies.

Death is the great collector to collect the scattered leaves of your biography, recorded by yourself, in the lives around you.
Don't despise the company of indulgence, through the path that the Lord has given you to tread.

Do an area of ​​love around your heart , because only love is strong enough and wise to steer you the scripture individual, becoming compendium of help and hope for those that follow your steps. LIVE  with Jesus, in the intimacy of your heart, don't be far from Him in your daily actions and the book of your life will become a poem of happiness and a treasure of blessings."

Prayer to calm down a person (Saint Anthony teeny)

"Saint Anthony teeny
Dressed and shod,
Walked their way
Found Our Lady that  asked:
-Where are you going? (here you speak the name of the person you want to calm down)
I'll talk to God Boy!
Go, slow down and to the side of Jordan
Where falls not powder or grain,
Sililianto of Christian. "

(Making prayer three times in a row)

terça-feira, 14 de maio de 2013

Dr. Carlos Roberto Silveira Corrêa, excelente Pediatra em Campinas

Quando o meu bebê estava com 1 ano de idade, ficou muito mal num sábado à tarde. 
Corri na época para o para o pronto socorro.
Logo fomos atendidos e assim que o Dr. Carlos, que estava de plantão, começou a auscultar o peito e os pulmões do meu filho, já foi falando: a situação dele está no limiar entre a bronquite e a pneumonia!
Pediu-me para suspender o remédio que a Pediatra tinha passado e que ele estava tomando e que eu corresse para a farmácia e comprasse o remédio por ele prescrito.
Assim o fiz e a partir da terceira dose, comecei a ficar aliviada de novo, meu menino estava melhorando a olhos vistos.
Passei, então, a fazer as consultas de rotina no consultório do Dr. Carlos e nunca mais o deixei. Ele é muito seguro, passa muita confiança, você sente que seu filho está em boas mãos.

Deus abençoe o senhor, Doutor,  médico que a  gente sente que nasceu para exercer  tão nobre profissão.

Endereço do Dr. Carlos Correa:

Av. Nossa Senhora de Fátima, 1165
Taquaral - Campinas - SP

Tel:  (19) 3251-4672