terça-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2010

Court decision requires Samsung to stop humiliating employees in Sao Paulo Brazil

(The newsroom - 10/12/2010 - 14h06)

The Labor Court granted an injunction in Campinas Sao Paulo Brazil determining that Samsung no longer use methods of punishment for employees who are not prescribed by law, such as shouting and humiliating treatment. 

The decision, which foresees the end of bullying within the company meets the requests of public civil action proposed by the MPT (Ministry of Labor). The agency decided to sue after seeing the multinational abuses by management at Samsung's plant in Campinas Sao Paulo Brazil.

Second investigation conducted by prosecutors, it was confirmed that the heads of the Korean Samsung employees treated as vexatious conduct by disrespectful and aggressive.

 In depositions, former employees said that they were aggressively treated by supervisors and that they caught the attention of officials by shouting and swearing.

One former employee said in testimony that the verbal attacks made by managers and supervisors Koreans were routine in the workplace. 

Two interviewees said that it was common to witness workers crying in bathrooms and that supervisors threatened to dismiss employees with production delayed.

 According to the investigation determined there was absenteeism due to health problems - including depression, stress and panic disorder - justified by the humiliations imposed by superiors.

Prosecutors did due diligence on the company and took testimony on the spot. The MPT noted the strong pressure on employees to achieve the production targets, with display boards and panels throughout the plant.

At the hearing, the union representative stated that the category of cases reported "do happen in the company, especially when training conducted by Koreans.

"Moreover, it was said that the supervisors of the sectors and personally warned the public room employees who commit any kind of failure. On these occasions the esmpregado has repeatedly threatened to resign.

In his defense, Samsung claimed that strictly complies with the legislation, refusing to sign a settlement before the MPT.


The injunction granted by Judge Andre Augusto Ulpiano Rizzardo, 8 th Labor Court of Campinas Sao Paulo, states that Samsung no longer use the only means of punishment prescribed by law. If  disobey the decisions of court orders, the company will pay a fine of $ 10,000 per worker is a victim of bullying.

In substance, MPT seeks Samsung's commitment to encouraging mutual respect between superiors and subordinates, in order to promote internal actions that restrain harassment, beyond the conviction of collective moral damages amounting to  $ 20 million.

Samsung makes appliances super fucked. Costly for buyers and emotional cost to employees who produce the equipment is high, very high. I'll never buy ANYTHING from Samsung. I will not honor a company that treats their employees like cattle!

(Translated by Google Translate)

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